mstate: przygotowanie danych, estymacja i predykcja w modelach wielostanowych

Marcin Kosiński


24 Października, 2016

Model wielostanowy

Model wielostanowy

Model wielostanowy - macierz przejść

(transMat(list(c(2,3,5,6), c(4,5,6), c(4,5,6), c(5,6), c(), c()),
  names=c("Tx", "Rec", "AE", "Rec+AE", "Rel", "Death")) -> tmat)
from     Tx Rec AE Rec+AE Rel Death
  Tx     NA   1  2     NA   3     4
  Rec    NA  NA NA      5   6     7
  AE     NA  NA NA      8   9    10
  Rec+AE NA  NA NA     NA  11    12
  Rel    NA  NA NA     NA  NA    NA
  Death  NA  NA NA     NA  NA    NA

Pytanie badawcze

Pytanie badawcze

Efekt zmiennych w każdym z możliwych przejść.

Dane - przygotowanie

Przykładowe Dane - ebmt4

  id  rec rec.s   ae ae.s recae recae.s  rel rel.s  srv srv.s      year agecl
1  1   22     1  995    0   995       0  995     0  995     0 1995-1998 20-40
2  2   29     1   12    1    29       1  422     1  579     1 1995-1998 20-40
3  3 1264     0   27    1  1264       0 1264     0 1264     0 1995-1998 20-40
4  4   50     1   42    1    50       1   84     1  117     1 1995-1998 20-40
5  5   22     1 1133    0  1133       0  114     1 1133     0 1995-1998   >40
6  6   33     1   27    1    33       1 1427     0 1427     0 1995-1998 20-40
  proph              match
1    no no gender mismatch
2    no no gender mismatch
3    no no gender mismatch
4    no    gender mismatch
5    no    gender mismatch
6    no no gender mismatch

Przykładowe Dane - ebmt4

Kodowanie danych

msebmt <- msprep(
  data = ebmt4, trans = tmat, 
  time = c(NA, "rec", "ae", "recae", "rel", "srv"),
status = c(NA, "rec.s", "ae.s", "recae.s", "rel.s", "srv.s"),
  keep = c("match", "proph", "year", "agecl"))
msebmt[msebmt$id == 1, c(1:8, 10:12)]
An object of class 'msdata'

  id from to trans Tstart Tstop time status proph      year agecl
1  1    1  2     1      0    22   22      1    no 1995-1998 20-40
2  1    1  3     2      0    22   22      0    no 1995-1998 20-40
3  1    1  5     3      0    22   22      0    no 1995-1998 20-40
4  1    1  6     4      0    22   22      0    no 1995-1998 20-40
5  1    2  4     5     22   995  973      0    no 1995-1998 20-40
6  1    2  5     6     22   995  973      0    no 1995-1998 20-40
7  1    2  6     7     22   995  973      0    no 1995-1998 20-40

Kodowanie danych 2

msebmt2 <- expand.covs(msebmt, longnames = FALSE,
                       c("match", "proph", "year", "agecl"))
msebmt2[msebmt2$id == 1, -c(9:10, 12:48, 61:84)]
An object of class 'msdata'

  id from to trans Tstart Tstop time status      year year2.1 year2.2 year2.3
1  1    1  2     1      0    22   22      1 1995-1998       1       0       0
2  1    1  3     2      0    22   22      0 1995-1998       0       1       0
3  1    1  5     3      0    22   22      0 1995-1998       0       0       1
4  1    1  6     4      0    22   22      0 1995-1998       0       0       0
5  1    2  4     5     22   995  973      0 1995-1998       0       0       0
6  1    2  5     6     22   995  973      0 1995-1998       0       0       0
7  1    2  6     7     22   995  973      0 1995-1998       0       0       0
  year2.4 year2.5 year2.6 year2.7 year2.8 year2.9 year2.10 year2.11 year2.12
1       0       0       0       0       0       0        0        0        0
2       0       0       0       0       0       0        0        0        0
3       0       0       0       0       0       0        0        0        0
4       1       0       0       0       0       0        0        0        0
5       0       1       0       0       0       0        0        0        0
6       0       0       1       0       0       0        0        0        0
7       0       0       0       1       0       0        0        0        0

Liczba przejść

from       Tx  Rec   AE Rec+AE  Rel Death no event total entering
  Tx        0  785  907      0   95   160      332           2279
  Rec       0    0    0    227  112    39      407            785
  AE        0    0    0    433   56   197      221            907
  Rec+AE    0    0    0      0  107   137      416            660
  Rel       0    0    0      0    0     0      370            370
  Death     0    0    0      0    0     0      533            533
from       Tx  Rec   AE Rec+AE  Rel Death no event
  Tx     0.00 0.34 0.40   0.00 0.04  0.07     0.15
  Rec    0.00 0.00 0.00   0.29 0.14  0.05     0.52
  AE     0.00 0.00 0.00   0.48 0.06  0.22     0.24
  Rec+AE 0.00 0.00 0.00   0.00 0.16  0.21     0.63
  Rel    0.00 0.00 0.00   0.00 0.00  0.00     1.00
  Death  0.00 0.00 0.00   0.00 0.00  0.00     1.00

Małe porządki

msebmt2[, c("Tstart", "Tstop", "time")] <-
msebmt2[, c("Tstart", "Tstop", "time")]/365.25


Model nieparametryczny

c0 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, Tstop, status)~strata(trans),
            data = msebmt2, method = "breslow")

This Cox model has separate baseline hazards for each of the transitions and no covariates. In principle, the transition intensities could also be estimated separately, but the combined use of long format data and a single stratified coxph object makes further calculations easier.

msf0 <- msfit(object = c0, vartype = "greenwood", trans = tmat)
# msfit estimates transition hazards

Model nieparametryczny

         time         Haz trans
1 0.002737851 0.000000000     1
2 0.008213552 0.000000000     1
3 0.010951403 0.000000000     1
4 0.013689254 0.000000000     1
5 0.016427105 0.000443066     1
6 0.019164956 0.001333142     1
         time       Haz trans
6199 12.48460 0.3800455    12
6200 12.61602 0.3800455    12
6201 13.02396 0.3800455    12
6202 13.10609 0.3800455    12
6203 13.12799 0.4255001    12
6204 17.24572 0.4255001    12

Wykres sk. hazardów

plot(msf0, las = 1, lty = rep(1:2, c(8, 4)),
     xlab = "Years since transplantation")



state_cols <- heat_hcl(6,
                      c = c(80, 30), 
                      l= c(30, 90),
                 power = c(1/5,2))[6:1]
ord <- c(2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 1)

Stan 1, czas = 0 dni

pt0 <- probtrans(msf0, predt = 0, method = "greenwood")
plot(pt0, ord = ord, las = 1, col = state_cols[ord],
     xlab = "Years since transplantation", type = "filled")

Stan 1 a 3, czas = 100 dni

pt100 <- probtrans(msf0, predt = 100/365.25, method = "greenwood"); par(mfrow=c(1,2))
plot(pt100, ord = ord, xlim = c(0,10), las = 1, type = "filled", col = state_cols[ord], main = "Zaczynając od stanu 1")
plot(pt100, from = 3, ord = ord, xlim = c(0,10), las = 1, type = "filled", col = state_cols[ord], main = "Zaczynając od stanu 3")

Model parametryczny

Model parametryczny

mvna, etm - także wspierają obliczenia skumulowanych hazardów

jednak nie mają wsparcia dla modeli semi-parametrycznych, jak model Coxa.

Model parametryczny

cfull <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, Tstop, status)~
                 match.1 + ... + match.12 +
               + proph.1 + ... + proph.12 + 
               + ... + strata(trans), data = msebmt, method = "breslow")



  • Nie sprawdzano założeń i dopasowania modelu.

Możliwe udoskonalenia

  • input do coxph w postaci macierzy rzadkiej
  • funkcja msdata do tworzenia nowych obserwacji
  • wykresy diagnostyczne w ggplot2
