Fits cumulative incidence function across different groups and risks.

fitCuminc(time, risk, group, cens = NULL)



vector with times of the first event or follow-up, must be numeric.


vector with type of event, can be numeric or factor/character.


vector with group variable, can be numeric or factor/character.


value of 'risk' indicating censored observation (if NULL, the first value of 'risk' vector will be taken).


list of length [(number of risks)*(number of groups) + 1], containing estimation of cumulative incidences curves for each risk and group. The last element of a list is a data.frame with results of a K-sample test, containing test statistic, p-value and degrees od freedom for each risk.

See also



fitCuminc(time = LUAD$time, risk = LUAD$event, group = LUAD$gender, cens = "alive")
#> 19 cases omitted due to missing values
#> Tests: #> stat pv df #> death 0.047302722 0.827825 1 #> new_tumor 0.000650194 0.979657 1 #> Estimates and Variances: #> $est #> 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 #> female death 0.3452837 0.5808543 0.6635543 0.6635543 0.7278766 0.7278766 #> male death 0.3090177 0.4747059 0.6531926 0.7012467 0.7012467 0.7012467 #> female new_tumor 0.1296415 0.1434789 0.1434789 0.2078012 0.2078012 0.2078012 #> male new_tumor 0.1050303 0.1545910 0.1545910 0.1545910 0.1545910 0.1545910 #> #> $var #> 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 #> female death 0.0023015948 0.004031912 0.005511198 0.005511198 0.008173257 #> male death 0.0023423777 0.004253219 0.007199651 0.007056869 0.007056869 #> female new_tumor 0.0010807709 0.001237569 0.001237569 0.005714376 0.005714376 #> male new_tumor 0.0008818643 0.002177665 0.002177665 0.002177665 0.002177665 #> 6000 #> female death 0.008173257 #> male death 0.007056869 #> female new_tumor 0.005714376 #> male new_tumor 0.002177665 #>